2.3 Precipitation has stopped

 At 06:20 on Friday 26 April 2024

Rain/mostly cloudy and cooler, precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times, windy.   

mostly clear - showers in the vicinity

mostly clear - showers in the vicinity

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BBC - westerdale

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Rain Today:   0.8


>Click for >>Yearly Rain - graph compared to average<<

averages include data previously collected with an Oregon gauge commencing August 2007
Daily details (see archives) are only available after 8th March 2009 when computer linked weather  station was installed.

Archive data by month


Information on these pages is a guide to local weather conditions, but should not be relied on for important decision making
The North York Moors are an exposed upland area which can become a hostile environment in any season
Always be prepared for sudden changes in the weather

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